What you may experience

Different Styles of Worship

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It is our desire to corporately enter into the presence of God during praise and worship. 

You may see raised hands, clapping, waving flags, and singing before the Most High God, with reverence and order. 

We have seen people rededicate their lives to the Lord, receive both physical and emotional healing, experience the tangible presence of the Lord and gain victory over the forces of the enemy (the devil) which had come against them. 

In Ps.47:1-2, Ps.98:8 we are told to clap our hands during our times of praise. We believe that in the context of spiritual warfare these Scriptures are inviting us to clap our hands in defiance to the enemy which we are coming against. 

Now, what are the results when we do this? Ps.9:2-3 tells us that God's enemies (spiritual wickedness and evil) turn back, stumble and actually perish when His Name is praised. 

Some people may not understand this style of praise and worship. They listen to the worship music but don’t really worship or meditate on God. What’s your battle? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything and still find yourself feeling lost and in despair? 

Come and join us for our one of our worship services and cast your care on Jesus, because He cares for you.  

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